Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Giving Thanks

Auga Verde, BCS, Mexico 4/5/11'

Many of you readers know some of the luck we had to get where we are today, cruising in these gorgeous waters. For the rest of you, it's time to share some thoughts about that process and truly give thanks to at least one person who made our dreams a reality.

Yes, the sale of of our home made the purchase of Magic possible. But everyday, we give thanks for our gift on Christmas '09, of two kayaks, paddles & PFDs. This gift has given us SO much pleasure and exercise. The gift was actually just a card in an envelope, offering us any two kayaks we wanted, and what we picked out has worked out so well. They are 12' sit on top style yaks that are self bailing and very stable. Just think, since we left LaPaz a week ago, we haven't taken our dinghy down from the davits or needed gas for our transportation across the water. We've kayaked to the market, made shore landings, watched fish from above along the rocky waters edge, and I've even trolled for fish (and caught two the past two days!).

Just today we paddled to the beach off our stern, carried the boats across a sand/rock separation with the Sea, and paddled about 2 miles to another beach and back around into the Auga Verde cove. Then I cleaned barnacles from along Magic's waterline, ferried a sander to another boat for their up-coming haul out needs, and then on a whim, raced off across the bay to paddle with a pod of about 60 dolphins! It was about 1/3 mile sprint to get to them, then I kayaked right amongst them for 30 minutes! I didn't have a bow wave for them to get a lift on, but two swam right along either side me for 200 feet, at about 6' under the surface! Of course they were busy feeding and doing their usual playing around motions, but I was ecstatic with joy! Eventually they swam out of the cove and I headed back to Magic. I was hungry for lunch and then realized I had been atop my kayak ("Princess Catherine") for 4 1/2 hours!

Soon it will be time for us to paddle to the village as we have an order in for fresh hot tortillas and the produce truck arrives today too. The beach landings are fun and we don't get very wet, and the ability to talk between us without raising our voices over the noise of an outboard is great. We can also slide right up on birds without them flying away, giving an awesome view of them.

After getting our boats, Caroline honored hers with the name "Princess Leia" and I was able to acknowledge my departed daughter. When the graphics were made for Magic, we also made lettering for the two kayaks and so they are proudly signed.

To the special gentleman who made all this a reality, many, many thanks...and may the force be with all of you.

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