Monday, May 23, 2011

Settled into San Anselmo

It didn't take too long to get settled back into San Anselmo.  We got internet installed, bought a magicjack for phone service, re-upped Netflix, scheduled garbage pickup, and got the postal service to stop forwarding our mail.  It was all pretty easy (well, except for the postal service) and within a few days we felt like we had been swallowed up by San Anselmo.

The house was in good shape this time--no RATS had taken up residence.  But we had water leaks, especially over the kitchen, and with late spring drips in again and again.  They are planning to put a patch up there soon.  We know the house will be torn down next spring so no need to plan for that 20 year fix.

San Anselmo is a lovely town in Marin and we aim to make the most of our remaining months here!

We have been out riding our bikes -- enjoying those views, headwinds no matter what direction, and getting back into shape.  Cruising is many things, but not a really aerobic sport.  I suppose I could swim but the water was still cold (wet suit cold) and I had no interest in suiting up to sweat!  We hope to ride our bikes in the Canadian Rockies this summer and our goal is to ride to Nipomo, CA to visit Warren & Diane in their new home this September, about a 300 mile ride.   Today we did a bit under 40 miles with a trip out around the Tiburon Peninsula.

We pushed ourselves to get the yard in shape.  We filled 4+ green matter containers the first week, but it looks so much nicer now!  We have planted cherry tomatoes and basil; filled in a few flowers (the back yard looked wretched!).  The hot tub is clean and hot.  Life has been good to us.

And we are working on that boat part list.  There is always something to find, fix, or figure out.   This list is quite manageable with the biggest wild card being refrigeration.  It was the bane of our season #1 so we are researching options but figure it is all a crap shoot in the end.  However, we'd like a cold drink this season for our daily sundowners routine!  We are also trying to sell a fair bit of boat gear we have accumulated over the years:  bits and pieces from Silhouette and now from Magic.  We opted out of a swap meet when the forecast was for rain and freezing temps (well, anything under 50 degrees is freezing to us!).  Anyone want inflatable kayaks (1 or 2 person?), liferaft, EPIRB, sailing dinghy, VHF radio and RAM mic.......etc.

We have had friends for dinner, hiked our favorite trails, shared a visit from Bryan for a weekend, begun planning meals around what is fresh at the Thursday farmer's market (oh that asparagus is heavenly), renewed our relationship with Barton's Bagels and Arizmendi Bakery, started catching up on recent movies, and looking around at the house and talking about just how much we will end up putting in storage.  Just seemed too easy to get settled.

Long term -- we want to drive to Seattle to visit David and Monica, car camp through the Canadian Rockies in July, host my parents in August, cycle to visit Warren and Diane in September, and then take a trip to Mexico in October.  We will work on Magic and maybe get down to the Copper Canyon.  We will be back here for Thanksgiving and Christmas and the great house packing.  Then, it is back to Mexico in early February.

Short term -- We are going to the Greek Festival in Novato this week.  And Bryan wraps up his very successful freshman year at Davis in early June and we will go pick up him and his gear.  We plan to bike and hike and cook and have fun every day.  Stay tuned!

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