Saturday, August 6, 2011

Nautical Flea Market Day

Over the years and boats, we have accumulated a fair amount of boat stuff.  Bits, pieces, lines, name it.  With the end of the house and all that storage space we paid up for a booth at a nautical flea in Sausalito market (as part of a harbor festival).  We had to arrive and unpack at 7am; it was a cold gray morning that is typical for the Bay Area.  By noon, the sun had started to break through and the wind had begun to swirl down the hills.  We sold a fair amount of the stuff:  we were especially pleased to offload a lot of the small bits as those are hard to sell via Craig's List.

We left about 1pm with $700 in hand.  Next up for these treasures:  Craig's List and then to the dump!

Let's Make a Deal!

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