After working on Magic for 8 days, I returned to the land of plenty, leaving Guaymas at 6 p m Thursday and driving straight through (1200 miles, 2 meals, 1 snack, 4 tanks of gas, 4 cups of coffee, 3 hours sleep!) arriving in Foster City, CA at 4 p m Friday. It wasn't all that hard, and Caroline & Bryan came and picked me up, which was a welcomed reunion. I traveled with Gordon Hanson of the boat "Far Counrty", who had been in the yard for 7 weeks doing major work on his boat: grinding off the fiberglass decks and coach roof, then replacing with new glass, etc.!
I did accomplish what I wanted to do, building a box form to accomidate two new engine controls, plus a whole page of smaller jobs. I also took down the final cables to complete the instilation of the new solar panels, and found the sun's power preformed well and charged our batteries even with refrigeration and lights on. Very good news!
The cut out for the control box at the helm |
The engine controls and ply wood pices to make the box |
Francisco fiberglassing the inside of the box |
The box installed with controls before the outside was glassed in |
Repairs to the stern before the whole boat gets painted |
Gordon working on Far Country, a Valiant 40' |
Francisco and Panchito sanding away on the side decks
On another subject, I'd like to ask you: Which of these two eating establishments would you choose for your lunch?