Monday, April 23, 2012

Serendipity....or is it MAGIC?

So, a few days at the docks and we have a whole new plan.  We are totally getting into this cruising thing about changing directions at will.

Once in our slip we found out that "Jeffrey the Rigger" who had retired from rigging back in February was actually keeping his hand in the business working with only a few boats a month!  And luck being on our side, he had availability to work with us beginning in June!  WOW!   Alan was thrilled to hear this -- the burden for doing the re-rigging was falling to him as there were no other viable options in LaPaz or Guaymas.

We think the minor malfunction of an anchor deck switch that lead to our coming into a marina and then to a renewed connection with Jeffrey is just the serendipity of cruising....or is it Magic?

So suddenly, a new plan is conceived.  We will cruise for another 6 weeks or so as far north as Loreto; return to LaPaz; pull the mast and summer the boat here!  We will keep the boat (minus the mast) in the water at Marina Palmira.  A yacht management team will watch her during our absence.   A new insurance policy includes hurricane coverage for LaPaz (and it was cheaper too!) has been a busy couple of days!

After we de-commission Magic in June we will catch a 5 hour ferry ride to the mainland port of Topolobampo; spend the night and then another 5 hour bus ride to Guaymas.  Collect the car & say a few hellos and goodbyes before heading to Arizona and points north!  WOW!  Both of us are delighted with the plan.  In the fall we will drive down the Baja with all the materials for the new rig and Jeffrey and Alan will put it back together.  We will be good for another season or two or three or as long as the fun continues.

And next season:  we will spend the next year or so based out of LaPaz.  We love the town and local community; island anchorages are just hours away; and for us:  the sea life and water of the Sea of Cortez is a huge draw.  We don't see ourselves making long passages; Banderas Bay was fun but no comfortable, viable anchorages for weeks at a time; Mazatlan is a marina culture that is not a fit for us.

So, we are here in the marina "on vacation" till Friday when we head north -- slowly.  There are enough new anchorages and islands that we are already having to decided how to make the trip.  The water is warm and the fishing is good.  We are ready to play!!!

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