Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Home Is Where You Park

Yup, when you go over to the dark, RV side:  Home Is Where You Park.  And we are parking now in Bothell, WA ready to enjoy a visit with David & Monica.

So, about that RV....or our Coach.  A Winnebago Aspect 27.  Alan used to call them "bag a winos" but now -- look -- people like us!

It all started in Colorado at a Mongolian BBQ place eating dinner with Alisa and Joe.  My fortune cookie read:  Something on 4 wheels will soon be a fun investment for you!  We all laughed -- that sounded like an invitation to investigate RVs.  We checked out a few units and during our stay in Colorado actually drove a few units.

But the concept seemed hard to accept and the entry price a bit steep and the timing too sudden.  So we drove off -- still in the tent.  Totally aware of how much BETTER our lives would be in an RV.  We kept our eyes open in various campgrounds and looked at models in a couple of towns.  Our search narrowed to a Winnebago Aspect / Itasca Cambria (identical models) with very specific options.  Maybe we figured if we got really picky -- we'd never find the unit.  At least not now.

We spent a couple of days in Glacier National Park before being chased out by a bit of a nasty forecast:  rain, hail, high winds.  Off to Spokane and a hotel room.  While I'm busy trying to find our next "camping site", Alan is online busy trying to find "our Coach."  Look here he calls out -- I found THE COACH in Eugene, Oregon.  Um, really?

I talked with Mom and Dad....and Dad's advice:  just do it.  Maybe he knows how long I can agonize over decisions but maybe he also could figure out how much BETTER our lives would be -- off the ground, out of the tent, with refrigeration, and living in comfy style.  Camping in a 2 person tent is fun for a few days...but for a few months....every year.  Enough already.

So we left Spokane and did indeed aim for Eugene.  We were on the lot by 4pm.  We were signing for the unit by 6pm.  And in shock for about a week!!!

And all I can say now:  Why did we wait so long?

The first night we were in the Coach it began to sprinkle.  BRING IT ON!!!

PS.  And as a final note -- had we gone off camping we would have ended up in the North Cascades National Park.  And this last weekend they had severe thunderstorms, flash floods, and the highway is closed indefinitely.  That would have been a real story for the blog--stranded with 65 other hikers.


  1. Yippee for the RV! I am looking forward to reading about your new travel adventures.

  2. Woo Hoo!!! You can actually walk around inside. And take a shower! Does this mean it will be white tablecloths for dinner each night?

    I guess my real question -- What are you going to tow or carry on the back next year? Will it be bicycles or vespas or prius or ....?
